The Runetrian Lexicon contains the mystical words and phrases of the ancient magical language used in potion-making and spellcasting. Mastering these arcane terms will elevate your abilities as a potion crafter!
Meaning: To light
Root: Amb-
Usage: Need something to emit light? Light it!
Meaning: Ash
Root: Amb-
Usage: Found in traces of whatever fire leaves behind
Meaning: Fire
Root: Amb-
Usage: Used in fire-related spells and potions
Meaning: Burn
Root: Amb-
Usage: Often used the process to transform potions
Meaning: Star
Root: Astra-
Usage: From the ground, they are visible as small glowing specs in the sky
Meaning: Dragon's Scale
Root: Drag-
Usage: Used in very strong potions, finding it these days is near impossible
Meaning: Root (plant)
Root: Gari-
Usage: Found at the bottom of beautiful flowers
Meaning: Illusion
Root: Nosfur-
Usage: Vampires usually enable this to happen on someone, though it is unclear if it's due to magic or lack of blood
Meaning: Vampire
Root: Nosfur-
Usage: Humans, but those that only act in the dark and drain blood
Meaning: Vampire's Fang
Root: Nosfur-
Usage: The body part that Vampires primarily use to drain blood
Meaning: To drain blood
Root: Nosfur-
Usage: Vampires re-energize by draining blood
Meaning: Extract (Blood)
Root: Nosfurtan-
Usage: Doesn't only have to be drinking, Vampires can extract blood in many ways
Meaning: Void
Root: Nul-
Usage: [0]
Meaning: Nothing
Root: Nul-
Usage: Nothing
Meaning: To nullify
Root: Nul-
Usage: Make something not exist anymore by nullifying it
Meaning: To render useless
Root: Nul-
Usage: When something is made useless
Meaning: Perch (fish)
Root: Sipkan-
Usage: Common freshwater fish native to the Old World
Meaning: Parrot's Feather
Root: Squa-
Usage: Very colorful and soft part, used to make extravegant potions
Meaning: Ingredient
Root: Us-
Usage: Common in potion recipes